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Spring is arguably one of the worst fruits in the game for grinding and PvP. It has surprisingly good mobility, but it's infamously known for being bad because it lacks PvP potential and grinding potential. Other Common fruits such as Chop or Bomb are more highly recommended as they outclass Spring in most scenarios.
The user's right forearm becomes a spring, launching a punch at the target.
1 Mastery
The user's right forearm becomes a spring, launching a punch at the target.
Spring Snipe
20 Mastery
The user's knees become springs, leaping to where they aimed, and dealing damage when it hits the target.
Spring Snipe
20 Mastery
The user's knees become springs, leaping to where they aimed, and dealing damage when it hits the target.
Spring Cannon
50 Mastery
The user turns their legs into springs, stretches a decent distance up, and then withdraws, causing a small-sized crater which deals decent damage to enemies.
Spring Cannon
50 Mastery
The user turns their legs into springs, stretches a decent distance up, and then withdraws, causing a small-sized crater which deals decent damage to enemies.
Spring Emperor
125 Mastery
The user turns their legs into springs, bouncing around a square-shaped AOE area, hitting the target various times before withdrawing and turning their legs back to normal.
Spring Emperor
125 Mastery
The user turns their legs into springs, bouncing around a square-shaped AOE area, hitting the target various times before withdrawing and turning their legs back to normal.
Spring Leap
75 Mastery
The user transforms their legs into springs and leaps. The user can bounce on walls, gaining speed and momentum while doing so.
Spring Leap
75 Mastery
The user transforms their legs into springs and leaps. The user can bounce on walls, gaining speed and momentum while doing so.
The following results are tested on NPCs. The variables that were used to test include: 600 mastery, 2550 points on Fruit Stats and no accessories. The results are for reference only, there is no guarantee that all of them are 100% correct.
Very unreliable as the player is not guaranteed to hit more than once (especially on open areas) and sometimes the move will not hit at all and often leads to going off planned trajectory if used for combos.
[F] Spring Leap
Hard to control correctly.
Only really effective in areas with objects to rebound.
There was a glitch with Spring’s [F] ability when it leaps into a chair in under 1 second which allows the ability to continue forever if the user doesn’t move.
This glitch is now patched.
When moving using Spring Emperor and Spring Leap, players can move faster than the Light fruit's [F], although the controls are quite difficult.
This fruit has the potential to have possibly the worst [V] move in the game.