Set Home Points are Misc NPCs found on almost every island. If the player talks to them and accepts their offer, they can teleport back to a home point with the home button. This also affects which sea the player goes to when they join the game. Some islands, such as Remote Island do not have spawn points, so the player should make sure to set the spawn point on a close island if they want to teleport to the closest island possible.
- Switching seas will not reset a player's home point unless the player sets a home point in another sea. Setting a home point in a different sea will reset the current home point from the previous sea.
- If the player goes back to the First Sea and spawn as a Pirate, the player will spawn at the Pirate Starter Island and if the player spawns as a Marine, they will spawn in the Marine Starter Island).
- The player can teleport to their home point as a transformed beast fruit user even if the model is bigger than the home point bubble.
- If the player holds a move (with a held duration like Cursed Dual Katana Z) at the last second of teleporting to a home point, they will fly to and from their current and spawn point location for the duration of the move (Only works with low ping). However, if the player holds moves with a long held duration like Fox Lamp Z, they will eventually get security kicked.
- The only islands where these Misc NPCs cannot be found are: Jean-Luc Island, Dark Arena, Remote Island and Cave Island, excluding Sea Events islands such as Mirage Island.