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Blox Fruits Wiki

Embers act as sub-parts of the Draco Race Awakening. There are five embers in total:

  1. First Ember: For the Transformation itself.
  2. Second-Fourth Ember: For choosing abilities.
  3. Fifth Ember: For upgrading the duration of the awakening and how fast the bar fills up (obtained from the Dojo Vault NPC).


The embers appear as sparks, with the first three being relatively bigger than the last two.

The first and fifth embers appear golden-yellow in color, while the three in between are either red or blue (depends on the ability chosen).


When a player completes the Trial of Flames, the shining door at the exit will open and when entered, will teleport the player to the Flames of Hearth where there will be multiple empty ember slots.

Ability Embers[]

For the details about the abilities, see Race Awakening.

These embers are used to obtain special abilities on race awakening. They are divided into two subcategories, the red and blue embers. Their color depends on the player's choice, either red or blue. Only one ability can be upgraded to tier 2, in which case the ratio of the ability embers would be 2:1 when maxed. The blue ember usually grants the user a special active ability (such as offensive fields, projectiles or variable buffs) whilst the red ember usually grants the user a mobility move or a passive buff.

The ember assigned to different abilities in various races is listed below:

Race Blue Ember (Left) Red Ember (Right)
Draco Cometic Field Thorn Mail

Ember Recommendations[]

  • Cometic Field for damage of the user and their allies
  • Thorn Mail for defense of the user and their allies


  • If the player disconnects or leave after winning a trial, they can still choose their embers after re-joining.
  • They are similar to Gears.
  • Completing the fifth trial will grant permanent access to the Flames of Hearth making it so players can swap out their Embers whenever they want for once every time they enter the server.
  • If the slot is empty, it will give the player the option to choose either of the blue or red embers. However, if the player has already chosen one of these embers twice, they will only have the option to put in the other. Similarly, when they are maxed and have completed the fifth trial, the player can only swap out embers, so they will be given the option to main the ember they have not current chosen to upgrade (add another ember to), meaning they will have to degrade the previous ability that they have upgraded in exchange for upgrading the other ability.

Change History[]

Released in Update 24


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