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Blox Fruits Wiki
Blox Fruits Wiki

Bladesmith is a raid enemy that only spawns in Island 1 during Raids.


Bladesmith has a blonde and short hair, a black bandana, a dark shirt without sleeves, and two silver arm wears.


Bladesmith uses the old [X] move of Dual Katana and old [X] of Katana and Cutlass.


Attack Description How to Avoid
Air Slash The Bladesmith will slash through the air, unleashing a blue, medium-range air slash that will deal minor damage and knock a player back. A simple dash to the side will suffice to dodge the attack. Alternatively, you can ignore it as there is little damage or stun penalty.
Tornado The Bladesmith will perform a spin, instantly releasing a small cone-shaped tornado that will stun and knock players diagonally as it damages them. There isn't an easy way to dodge the attack if you are close; however, it deals little damage. The best way to avoid the slight stun is to keep distance so it uses its Air Slash attack instead.


  • These enemies have low damage, stun and knockback so the player shouldn't have trouble defeating them.
  • This enemy still uses the old moves of certain swords, similar to other NPCs.
  • This is one of the few NPCs that uses multiple attack items at once.


First Sea BanditTraineeMonkeyGorillaPirateBruteDesert BanditDesert OfficerSnow BanditSnowmanChief Petty OfficerSky BanditDark MasterPrisonerDangerous PrisonerToga WarriorGladiatorMilitary SoldierMilitary SpyFishman WarriorFishman CommandoGod's GuardShandaRoyal SquadRoyal SoldierGalley PirateGalley Captain
Second Sea RaiderMercenarySwan PirateFactory StaffMarine LieutenantMarine CaptainZombieVampireSnow TrooperWinter WarriorLab SubordinateHorned WarriorMagma NinjaLava PirateShip DeckhandShip EngineerShip StewardShip OfficerArctic WarriorSnow LurkerSea SoldierWater Fighter
Third Sea Pirate MillionairePistol BillionaireDragon Crew WarriorDragon Crew ArcherHydra EnforcerVenomous AssailantMarine CommodoreMarine Rear AdmiralFishman RaiderFishman CaptainForest PirateMythological PirateJungle PirateMusketeer PirateReborn SkeletonLiving ZombieDemonic SoulPosessed MummyPeanut ScoutPeanut PresidentIce Cream ChefIce Cream CommanderCookie CrafterCake GuardBaking StaffHead BakerCocoa WarriorChocolate Bar BattlerSweet ThiefCandy RebelCandy PirateSnow DemonIsle OutlawIsland BoySun-kissed WarriorIsle Champion
Raids BladesmithBone BreakerShockerSorcerer
Elite Pirates DeandreDiabloUrban
Sea Events SharkPiranhaFish Crew MemberGhost SharkHaunted Crew MemberShip RaidHaunted Ship RaidGhost Ship RaidLava Golem
Trials Ancient VampireAncient Zombie
Events Bone WraithEvil Wraith
Removed Female IslanderGiant Islander
Others CoreGhostTraining DummyCursed Skeleton