20 Votes in Poll
Artifact fruit
22million 111 thousand 111 bucks or, 22,111,111 beli
Not awakened
No transformation
Has a meter similar to any other beast meter( using a move reduces your meter, if you hit someone with that move you gain more meter than you lose)
"This artifact has been marked by gods, can you behold it's power?)
Dmg info for nerds:
Z. 1356 Per bolt ( it shoots 4 bolts)
X. 2000 if they touch the fire, can stack, if they stay on for too long
C. 4k dmg
V. Depends on what fruit------
Dragon( east and west) does 9k with all moves hitting
Kitsune does 7k with all moves hitting
Leopard does 6k with all moves hitting
Yeti does 7k dmg with all moves hitting
Trex does 6k dmg with all moves hitting
Mammoth does 5k dmg with all moves hitting
Pheonix( it used awk moves) does 5k dmg with all moves hitting
Falcon does 3k dmg with all moves hitting
F. N/A
Z. instinct tricked
X. Not instinct tricked
C. The hit is instinct trickable
V, Not instinct tricked
F. N/A
Z. Thunder Rain
The user pulls in the opponent, summons a cloud and hits them with several lightning bolts before making the cloud fall and it covers the opponents screen with 1 sec with grey smoke.
X. Fire of Gods
The user summons a ring of fire to protect themselves, the fire burns out after 10 seconds. Cannot be instinct tricked, is several tiles in height( according to the game)
C. Dangerous Love
The user pulls them in with a aura type radius, the opp's screen gets filled with love hearts blocking normal view, the user then, summons a god to do a
Huge hit to knockback them.
V, Beast fury
The user jumps and goes onto a cloud before summoning beast fruits to fight for them, it use's all of its moves with ai type aim, ( not the best, similar to a npc but better and can predict where the opponent goes slightly)( only one beast fruit)( no transformation) ( A gui similar to portal's one will appear t to pick what beast fruit, depending on your meter, you can use higher price beast fruits)
F. Cloud Flight
The user goes into the air and summons and jumps on clouds to move around.
These are the best fruits I can offer/currently have to trade for Kitsune
I just got to 2nd sea and got little or 0 experience of how the trading/value works, so idk if this is a overpay, underpay, etc.
If this trade is ass/bullshit and is a joke to you, just don't even think about replying just to talk about how this trade is trash. ( if you look in the last post I made people just replied just to talk shit)
If you ARE interested, my username is BuddyHqEric, display name is HeyitsEric (pls don't make fun of my name)
Trade kitsune leopard t-rex and dough for dark blade.
(My display name is Yiiiii, My username is qryyds_05 )
Trading 3 leo and t-rex for kitsune
(My display name is woshiikun, My username is esssy-021)
Lizard Fruit
Costs: 990,000
Rarity: Rare
Passives & Drawbacks:
+15% Defense
+15% Attack
+50% Speed
Each time your in transformed state you lose energy 50% faster than normal. and lose
M1s: Similar to trex M1s but it has no range
Z Move (Mas 25.) Impending Crashfall: the user does a flip for 0.1-0.2 seconds before slamming there hands on the ground. this creates a ground based attack that is shaped like a lizard (this range is 5-10 meters long) knocking back the enemy to an extent. after that lava spews out giving passive dmg and burn damage to the enemy. this move is multi target. dmg: 4465. passive dmg/burn dmg: 250-600. cooldown: 8 seconds
X Move (Mas 75.) Snapping Bite: if hit, the user goes the underground for a few seconds. once you are nearby or under the enemy you will jump out (flying stones will also be shot out) holding the enemy and then slamming them to the ground. causing the user to be stunned for 3 seconds. If missed: if you arent next to an enemy or under an enemy after 5 seconds, the user will jump out flying stones will be shot out at random places. but if it hits the enemy it will do 750-1000 dmg (if missed). 5835-6085 dmg (if hit). cooldown: 14 seconds
C Move (Mas 100.) Ultraviolet Meteors: the user spits out lava into the sky meteor shaped gunks falls down from the lava. the AoE is decent. dmg: 4380-6772. burn dmg: 125-500. cooldown: 16 seconds
V Move (Mas 250.) Full Transformation: the user transforms into a huge Lizard. the size of the transformation is the size of a kitsune. this transformation grants. +50% defense. +37% Attack. and can walk on water. Cooldown: 20 seconds
F Move (Mas 50.) Camoflauge: this move enables the user to transform into the color its walking on. it enables the user to walk on things like water, and lava etc. lasts for 1 minute. cooldown: 4 seconds
Transformed Moveset:
Z Move: the user spits out a huge fire ball aimed at the enemy. when it hits, the enemy gets stunned for 2 seconds, this move also creates a lizard insignia on the ground. dmg and passive dmg: same as hybrid
X Move: The user grabs the enemy with its mouth and dashes foward for about the distance of sharkman mobility move. before swinging the enemy around and flinging the enemy away with a fling of his mouth. if missed, it rushes foward (the distance is the same as when it hits) creating a dilapidated trail. dmg: 6545-6655
C Move: (same thing as unstransformed c move but just with bigger AoE)
V Move: Goes back to hybrid state
F Move: doesnt work in full transformed state
34 Votes in Poll
Yes,Those series2 plushes ,I got a perm Phoenix from it,anyone have a perm light,perm blade and perm rocket,pls trade
So yeah, I'm doing this trade if anyone wants. Can do it in bits, for example Kit + Dough for Dark Blade, or Leo for 2x Drops
So yeah, I'm doing this trade if anyone wants. Can do it in bits, for example Kit + Dough for Dark Blade, or Leo for 2x Drops
Kitsune Race!
Complete All 8 Kitsune Academy Quests
Talk to "Kitsune Mage" to receive "Azure Collector", increasing of the limit of azure embers to 35
Collect 35 azure embers then talk to kitsune mage to receive the "Kitsune Race"
V1 Appearance: Gains blue fox ears.
V1 Buffs: 5% Blox fruit Damage, 5+ Dash Distance, 5% Energy
To obtain v2, gain 5 azure flowers,
They can be obtained the same way as Fire Flowers.
Talk to kitsune mage after.
V2 Appearance: Gain a blue tail similar to the kitsune tails.
V2 Buffs: the players speed is 1.5x and gains a passive ability where if you hold the dash button you run up to 2x your speed and slowly increases in speed the longer you hold, (2.15x, 2.25x, 2.3x, 2.4x, 2.5x.), this ability lasts 5 seconds and stops when you stop holding the dash button. Dashes and air jumps now emits a blue effect instead of white similar to the kitsune fruit and flash step cooldown is decreased by 15%.
To obtain v3,
You must have done the horned man quest.
Talk to kitsune mage to get the v3 quest.
The v3 quest is that you have to complete a kitsune island and gain atleast 5 azure embers or more.
V3 Appearance: the user now has 3 fox tails.
V3 buffs: Gain an ability called "Azure Sovereignty"
The buffs of this ability are:
30% speed
20.5% defense
3 Azure embers come out of the user and attaches onto enemies, exploding after 3 seconds. damage depends on the level of the user.
To obtain v4,
500 Mastery on Fox Lamp, Azure Fist, Fox Revolver
Go to kitsune island and talk with the kitsune shrine
An option will appear, pressing it will cause the island to shake then a boss will appear called "Kitsune Master", It'll use kitsune fruit (all attacks) and have 150,000 health.
Defeat the kitsune master.
Talk to the kitsune shrine then it'll teleport you to the trial of the fox.
To complete the trial of the fox,
Chase and collect 25 azure embers, 5 will spawn every 1 minute, the trial lasts 7 minutes and 30 seconds
V4 Appearance: the user have 5 fox tails, when awakened the users hair turns glowing blue and fox tails become fluffier and bigger.
V4 Gears:
Ancient Powers:
Upon transforming, the user receives max stats as well as increased damage, speed, and health regeneration by 10%. The passive run ability now is greatly increased and lasts 6 seconds.
Azure Might: Dashing is longer and now shoots out azure embers and attaches onto enemies, exploding immediately. damage is greater then v3. Passive run now leaves a blue fire trail. Speed is increased.
Upgraded: Damage of azure embers and the blue fire trail is increased, and the blue fire trail lasts longer and bigger. Speed is further increased.
Extreme Sovereignty:
Adds a blue field around the user, enemies going in the field gets more slower and defense is halved.
Upgraded: The blue field now slowly shreds the enemy's health, and their damage is decreased by 50%, field becomes bigger.
Opinions? I'll edit it to balance it.